Pre-symposium Interviews
Norm Denzin Patti Lather Noam Chomsky
Day 1: July 23, 2015
Opening: Proceedings opened with a blessing by Noel Starblanket
Vianne Timmons, Jennifer Tupper, and Drummers
Yvonna Lincoln Marie Battiste Budd Hall
Commerce in the Academy:Audit Cultures and Neoliberalism’s Assault on Liberalism Regenerating Successes with Indigenous Knowledge:Possibilities, Practices, and Perplexities within Eurocentric Education Beyond Epistemicide:
Knowledge Democracy and Higher Education
Knowledge Democracy and Higher Education
Leigh Patel Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Anti-colonial educational research: From property rights to answerability The optimistic art of the impossible- measuring impact of indigenous research in the era of historic denial and evidence based policy in higher education
Day 2: July 24, 2015
David Malloy
Michelle Fine Chad Gaffield Eve Tuck
Troubling calls for “evidence”: punitive accountability, disruptive innovation and neoliberal blues in the education deform project Why universities are losing the narrative and how we might get it back Biting the hand that feeds you: Theories of change in the settler state and its universities
Joel Westheimer Rosalind Gill Peter McLaren
Higher education or education for hire? Corporatization, fictive austerity and the threat to democratic thinking The quantified self of neoliberal academia Comrade Jesus: The dialectic regained and the people unchained–towards a revolutionary critical pedagogy
Day 3: July 25, 2015
Shauneen Pete
Christopher Myers Sandy Grande Charlene Bearhead
Public scholarship and tenure/promotion: “Rethinking teaching, scholarship and service”
Some of us are Braves: Settler universities and the politics of indigenous refusal Journey to reconciliation: Following the path of truth through student research
Marcia McKenzie Nick Carleton
What Counts as Scholarship in Higher Education Measures and metrics and Maclean’s!
Oh My!
Oh My!
Video recordings* by Brad McDonald and Joe Norris and partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant and Brock University Faculty Association.
(*exceptions: pre-symposium interviews from Drs. Chomsky, Denzin, & Lather)